What Do You Need to Know About the Comdex Academia?

Samson Anthony
3 min readMay 1, 2022


Last week, I made mention of the redevelopment of Comdex’s Synthetics DEX devnet website application, as well as the introduction of their first-ever online school of crypto learning (the Comdex Academia).

This time around, we will be digging much deeper into the latter topic.

The Comdex Academy

What is an academy? It simply defined as a scientific and cultural (but in this case, a crypto) community engaged in researches, and taken as a whole. In like terms, Comdex wants to build upon a series of researches and online centres of learning grouped together under one community, and vastly broaden the community’s scope.

There are many topics to expantiate upon, within the crypto commodities space, not even mentioning the decentralized exchange world, and talk less of the crypto universe.

In simple words, the Academia is a space where Comdex’s new entrants (and old members as well) have the opportunity to know more about the COMet community, between ranges of Basic and Advanced tiers, on topics such as:

  • The community’s official cryptocurrency.
  • The minting, farming, staking, and other know-hows of synthetic assets (cAssets).
  • How to make use of derivatives.
  • Decentralized finance and how it is applied within the Comdex ecosystem.
  • Cryptocurrencies associated with Comdex.
  • How to stake in liquidity pools.
  • Participation in governance.
  • How auctions in the community work.
  • What non-fungible tokens are all about.
  • Putting your crypto investments into good use, and not for waste.

The above are just few of the things you would come to understand as time goes by, when you join the Academia of learners.

It is still not too late to gain free entry to the courses that would be available, teaching on synthetic assets. As an early entrant, you will freely get to learn extensively, via the upcoming courses, how to operate with opportunities in the Comdex community.

On the Synthetics Decentralized Exchange Testnet, which is the “incentivized” testing site of the Comdex Web App (for synthetic cAssets), you will find the Academy. Not just that, you will gain incentives from completing courses.

Also, at the end of each course, you will be given a digitized NFT format of your certificate of completion.

Since it was just launched a week ago, the Academia offers one course, titled “DeFi & Synthetics,” and will teach about:

  • What the term “blockchain” is all about.
  • How to navigate a blockchain properly.
  • What stable coins are, what they are used for, and what they offer.
  • The know-hows of commodity and derivatives markets.
  • How to swiftly catch opportunities within these markets.
  • Knowledge about synthetic assets.
  • Why synthetic assets are known as cAssets within the Comdex space.
  • What synths offer in the commodities and derivatives markets.
  • How to acquire cAssets via certain crypto currencies, collaterals and swaps.

Join the Comdex community now, become a Comet, enroll into the Academy, learn investment opportunities, complete courses, gain digital values certificates, receive rewards, dive deeper into the Comdex ecosphere, and start earning.

About Comdex

Comdex is a decentralized synthetics protocol in the Cosmos crypto network; and as a product of the Persistence platform, Comdex develops possible solutions for the decentralization of finance (DeFi) by handing over to investors the knowledge about a widened scope of asset classes and rewarding projects.

To keep up with updates concerning Comdex’s monetization processes, you can follow up on:

Website | https://comdex.one/home

Academy | https://academy.comdex.one/

Web App | https://dev-cassets.comdex.one/

Newsroom | https://comdex.one/newsroom

Twitter | https://twitter.com/ComdexOfficial

Telegram | https://t.me/ComdexChat

Medium | https://blog.comdex.one

Reddit | https://reddit.com/r/ComdexOne/

