The Dogechain Governance Vote To Migrate To Polygon CDK and Launch Dogechain 2.0 Has Passed! What Next?

Samson Anthony
4 min readDec 31, 2023


Dogechain proposed to move from Polygon Edge to Polygon CDK and after a 2-week community governayvoting process, it passed with over 98% of voters in favor of the migration!

The Origin

Two weeks ago, Polygon Labs announced that it will be stopping the development and support of Polygon Edge and will now focus on building Polygon CDK, a new framework powered by zero-knowledge cryptography. (Read more here.)

Although Dogechain already had the migration in its plan, even putting it up as a proposal for its community to discuss 2 months ago, this announcement triggered the action of the team to quickly push it from a community discussion to a community vote.

What Exactly is Polygon CDK?

CDK stands for Chain Developer Kit, and it is a framework for creating different kinds of rollups on Polygon. It allows you to easily launch your own chain, whether it is a testnet or something else, and it is flexible.

Currently, the main option for CDK is zkEVM, but they are also developing other modules like Miden and Validiums.

● zkEVM is a virtual machine that generates zero-knowledge proofs to verify the correctness of smart contracts executed off-chain.

● Validium is a scaling solution that does not store transaction data on the Ethereum mainnet, but relies on external data availability providers. This allows for higher scalability, but also introduces the risk of data unavailability or censorship.

● Miden is a rollup that uses a STARK-based virtual machine (VM) to execute smart contracts off-chain and generate zero-knowledge proofs of their correctness.

It is based on Rust, which is more familiar to developers in the Cosmos ecosystem who want to join Polygon.

The Chain Developer Kit consists of various components that enable chains to become rollups of Ethereum and access its full potential. It is like a sea of liquidity where everything is possible.

Not only does it have a trustless bridge to Ethereum, but it will also have a trustless bridge to all other Polygon CDK chains in the next few months.

This means that Immutable and Dogechain, which will soon move to zkEVM, as well as Astar Network, Manta Network, OKX, and others, can all connect with each other without relying on any intermediaries. All these chains will be able to cooperate smoothly using trustless bridging.

No more risks from multichain bridges or third-party bridges; No hacks, no failures. This is trustlessness and composability among the chains, which means that apps can launch on one chain and then leverage another chain, because they all communicate with Ethereum at the core — through the same decentralized network that they are building on.

Why Was Voting For Dogechain’s Migration to Polygon CDK a Good Idea?

Among several reasons, the need for interoperability for Dogechain’s ecosystem coupled with that of security led to the proposal.

Cross-chain EVM bridges has been noticed to present inherent risks and a weak link to security of assets. Case study of the Multichain bridge hack.

With security of assets and growth as its major values, blockchain’s latest technology, zk-proofs offered the best way to eliminate such issues.

Polygon CDK is a new layer-2 network framework that runs on zero knowledge (ZK) cryptography and is an ultimate fix for this challenge.

So, what future does the migration hold for the Dogechain?

A future where it will be able to:

- Process transactions faster and cheaper with less data in a more secure environment

- Enhance its security and privacy, keeping sensitive information data safe and enclosed

- Accommodate more apps, transaction, and users via the ZK technology.

- Increased level interoperability with other networks in the Polygon ecosystem, as well as Ethereum, as ZK technology ensures compatibility and composability of smart contracts and tokens.

- Fully decentralized solution to support liquidity for stablecoins such as USDT or USDC.

What Next?

With the vote passed, the migration will be implemented, and Polygon CDK will be the new stack or infrastructure on which Dogechain will launch as a new zkEVM blockchain — Dogechain 2.0.

In essence, Dogechain 2.0 will harness the power of zk-proofs and be able to integrate with the growing ecosystem of ZK-powered layer-2 solutions.

The migration will happen in 2024 first on Testnet and then to Mainnet. However, the launch of the new chain (or Dogechain 2.0) does not mean the end of the original Dogechain PoS blockchain. The original chain will remain functional and support users and builders until further notice.

Also, wrapped DOGE (i.e. WDOGE) will remain the custom gas token on the new zkEVM Dogechain stack.

It is already clear that 2024 will be a very active year for the Dogechain team and its community.

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