Inter-chain NFT and Persistence One

Samson Anthony
3 min readNov 29, 2021

InterNFT Working Group was introduced by the Interchain Foundation. The group is promoted and sponsored by IXO and Persistence One, as well as Cosmos (ICF).

The InterNFT Working Group is an enterprise established for the purpose of formulating standards, based on blockchain-to-blockchain exchanges, which boosts the cutting edges attributed to extraordinarily specified and tokenized reserves.

The enterprise aims at giving rise to non-fungible tokens interoperability between the crypto space. They also intend to hold, supervise and administrate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) structured data and related help, not minding where these are gotten at.

The Interchain Foundation has been overseeing endeavors for the development of interchain exchangeability which, lately, has been a crucial stimulus for the instantaneous expansion of the cryptocurrency business.

Persistence One has a goal, which is to unite the void between decentralized finance and conventional finance, by introducing physical assets to its blockchain. Physical assets could be broken into tokens via the use of NFTs. You could further utilize these non-fungible tokens as security pledges to lease cryptocurrency assets like stablecoins.

The Persistence One crew was one of the first to assemble a native chain-to-chain NFT transfer. Throughout the months to come, the Persistence One committee will be operating closely with the Interchain Foundation and IXO to observe NFT and structured data (called “metadata”) examples to formulate blockchain-to-blockchain principles.

The committee is led by the Chief Technology Officer of Persistence, Deepanshu Tripathi.

The InterNFT staff will be working together with numerous undertakings in the Cosmos network to find out their prerequisites around non-fungible tokens (NFT) and “metadata” usage topics while developing native connotations of non-fungible tokens.

The crypto world has discerned an enormous explosion in inventions, boasting more than 50 million functional users all over the globe, according to Statista's statistics.

Nevertheless, the combined market cap of the enterprise is slighter than 0.01% of the fiat economy, and this is due to the restricted susceptibility to physical properties on the blockchain.

For the crypto business to broaden considerably and accomplish vast adoption, the division between the conventional and token economy requires bridging. With intrinsic aspects such as ownership rights, authenticity, and genuineness,

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) fulfill their roles as stimuli in connecting this division between the crypto and fiat economies.

The first dApp (as in, developing application) in the Persistence network, known as Comdex, was created from scratch and up the ladder, wielding Persistence's software developing kit. Comdex is a market square for physical products. It already has more than US$30 million in trade percentage.

The Persistence's market square for physical products employs non-fungible tokens to break down physical possessions (invoices, debts, liabilities, etc), into crypto tokens, to generate enterprisal possessions in the crypto business.

What Benefits Does InterNFT Have For Persistence One?

With the support of InterNFT by Persistence being put to use, the latter would sustain a lot from InterNFT's team. These benefits include:

The improvement of Persistence's chain-to-chain interchangeability which would lead to the expansion of the platform.

The ability to turn physical assets on the pSTAKE (Persistence's staking derivative) network to crypto tokens to be staked.

With the services performed by InterNFT, the Persistence's marketplace for real-world goods, Comdex, would be able to easily transform these goods into tokens for its users.

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